
Micro Mini Sheepadoodle

Featured Puppies

Here are some of our past puppies we wanted to feature. 



Micro Mini Sheepadoodle F1BBMarilyn She is sold. Mature weight under 15 lbs. They are hypoallergenic and non-shedding.GenderFemaleBornMay 4, 2023Text for price515-710-7644Vet Examed & Up-to-date on ImmunizationsMore Available PuppiesFollowText(515) 710-7644



Micro Mini Sheepadoodle F1BBPrada Mature weight under 15 lbs. They are hypoallergenic and non-shedding.GenderFemaleBornMay 4, 2023Text for price515-710-7644Vet Examed & Up-to-date on ImmunizationsMore Available PuppiesFollowText(515) 710-7644

Channel 5

Channel 5

Micro Mini Sheepadoodle F1BBChannel 5 Mature weight under 20 lbs. They are hypoallergenic and non-shedding.GenderFemaleBornMay 4, 2023Text for price515-710-7644Vet Examed & Up-to-date on ImmunizationsMore Available PuppiesFollowText(515) 710-7644



Micro Mini Sheepadoodle F1BBGucci Mature weight under 15 lbs. They are hypoallergenic and non-shedding.GenderMaleBornMay 4, 2023Text for price515-710-7644Vet Examed & Up-to-date on ImmunizationsMore Available PuppiesFollowText(515) 710-7644

Ralph Lauren

Ralph Lauren

Micro Mini Sheepadoodle F1BBRalph Lauren Mature weight under 20 lbs. They are hypoallergenic and non-shedding.GenderMaleBornMay 4, 2023Text for price515-710-7644Vet Examed & Up-to-date on ImmunizationsMore Available PuppiesFollowText(515) 710-7644

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